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职称: 退休,教授,博导
所属部门: 应用数学系
办公室: 闵行数学楼332室
办公电话: 54342646-332
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List of Publications

I. Articles in Refereed Journals

[58]   Y. Z. Chang, Danping Yang, and J. Zhu  Finite element approximation to nonlinear coupled thermal problem            

         Journal of  Computational and Applied Mathematics.  (2008).   file.pdf

[57]   Y. Z. Chang, and Danping Yang Superconvergence analysis of finite element methods for optimal control problems                         

        Journal of  Computational Mathematics. Vol. 26. No. 5 (2008). pp: 660-676 file.pdf

[56]    T.Y.Hou, D.P.Yang and H. Ran Multi-scale analysis and computation for the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes

         equations. file.pdf

         Multiscale Model and Simulation. Vol. 6, No. 4 ( 2008). pp:1317-1346

[55] J. S. Zhang and D. P. Yang A splitting positive definite mixed element method for second-order  hyperbolic  


        Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. (2008) file.pdf 

[54]  D. P.Yang Y. Z. Chang and W. B. Liu A priori estimate and superconvergence analysis for an optimal

        control  problem of bilinear type.

        Journal of  Computational Mathematics. Vol. 26, No. 4 (2008). pp: 471-487

[53] T.J. Sun and D. P.Yang  Error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin method with  interior penalties applied to

        nonlinear Sobolev equations.

         Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 24 (2008)  pp: 879-896.    file.pdf

[52]   F. Z.Gao. Y. R.Yuan and D. P.Yang An upwind finite-volume element scheme and its maximum-principle-

         preserving property for nonlinear convection-diffusion problem.

        International Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids. Vol. 56. No. 12.  (2008). pp: 2301-2320.

[51]    Tian Min and Danping Yang Parallel dfference schemes for heat equation based on overlapping domain


        Applied Mathematics and Computation 186(2007)  pp: 1276-1292

[50]     D. P.Yang and L. Q.Wang Quasi-least-squares finite element methods for steady flow and heat transfer with

         system rotation.

         Numerische Mathematik 104(2006). pp: 377-411 .   file.pdf

[49] T. Y. Hou, D. P. Yang and H. Ran Multi-scale computation of isotropic homogeneous turbulent flow.

         Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 408, 2006. pp: 111-135

[48]  T. Y. Hou, A. Westhen and D. P. Yang A framework for modeling subgrid effect for two-phase flows in 

        porous media

         Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation. Vol. 5. No. 4 ( 2006). pp:1087-1127.  file.pdf

[47] T. Y. Hou  D. P. Yang and H. Ran Multiscale Analysis in Lagrangian Formulation for the 2-D Incompressible

         Euler Equation. 

         Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A Vol. 13, No. 5. (2005).  pp. 1153-1186 

[46]    D.P. Yang and L. Q.Wang  Two finite ?element schemes for steady  convective heat transfer with system

        rotation and variable thermal properties.

        Numerical Heat Transfer. B Vol. 47. No. 4. (2005) pp 343-360  file.pdf

[45]    N. Ma. T. C..Lu and D.P. Yang Analysis of incompressible miscible displacement in porous media by characteristics

        collocation method.

          Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations  Vol. 22? Issue 4, (2006). pp 797-814 file.pdf

[44]  T. Y. Hou D. P. Yang and K. Wang Homogenization of incompressible Euler equation.

         Journal of  Computational Mathematics   22(2004). pp: 220-229. file.pdf

[43]  D. P.Yang A parallel domain decomposition algorithm of mixed element equation for second order elliptic

       Dirichlet boundary value problem.

        Applied Mathematics and Computation  Vol.129, No. 2-3, July 2002.

[42]  T. J.Sun and D. P.Yang The finite difference streamline diffusion methods for Soblev equations with convection-

       dominated term.

        Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol.125? No. 2-3 Jan. 2002, pp325-345  

[41] Danping Yang  Least-squares mixed finite element methods for non-linear parabolic problems.

        Journal of  Computational Mathematics 20(2): 2002.05. pp. 153-164. file.pdf

[40] Z. R. Zhang and D. P. Yang C-N difference streamline diffusion method for three dimensional semiconductor

        problem with heat conduction and numerical analysis.

       Acta Mathematiche Applicatae Sinica.   Vol. 25, No. 2  (2002) pp 230-243 (in Chinese)

[39]   D. P.Yang  A splitting positive definite mixed element method for miscible Displacement of compressible flow in

         porous media.

        Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 17(2001) pp229-249.   file.pdf

[38]   H. X. Rui aand D. P.Yang  Multiplicative Schwarz algorithm with time stepping along characteristics for

        convection-diffusion equations. 

          Journal of   Computational Mathematics 19(5): 2001.09? pp501-510 

[37]  Z. R.Zhang and D. P.Yang Creak-Nicolson finite difference streamline diffusion method for convection-diffusion


        Numerical Mathematics, A Jornal of Chinese Universities  Vol. 23? No.42 (2001) pp 294-299 (in Chinese)

[36]   D. P. Yang Analysis of least-squares mixed finite element methods for nonlinear nonstationay convection-

        diffusion problems.

         Mathematics of Computation. Vol. 69. No. 231,  pp. 929-963? (2000)  

[35]  D. P. Yang Analysis of parallel Schwarz algorithm for elliptic problems.

        Applied Mathematics and Computation 114. pp 75-93.  (2000)

[34]    H. M. Gu and D. P. Yang Least-squares finite element methods for Sobolev equations. 

         Indian Journal of Pure Applied Mathematics  31(5) pp 505-517. (2000) 

[33]    H. M. Gu and D. P. Yang? Least-squares finite element method for a class of Stokes Equations

         Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 557-566. (2000).

[32]    D. P. Yang A symmetric positive definite mixed finite element method for transient simulation of a semiconductor


         Acta Mathematiae Applicatae Sinica.   Vol. 23? No. 3. (2000), ( in Chinese ).

[31]    D. P. Yang Some least-squares Galerkin finite element procedures for convection diffusion problems.  

        Computer  Methods in Applied Mechanicsm and Engineering. 180 (1999) pp: 82 -95.

[30]    D. P. Yang A characteristic mixed element method for displacement problems of compressible flow in porous


          Science in China A. . Vol. 14.   No. 8 (1998). pp. 820-828.

[29]   H. X. Rui and D. P. Yang Schwarz type domain decomposition algorithms for parabolic equations and error


          Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica .Vol. 14, No.3, (1998).

[28]   H. X. Rui and D. P. Yang Parallel Schwarz algorithms for parabolic equations and error estimates.

          Numerical  Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities. Vol. 6, No.1, (1997).  

[27]    D. P. Yang A coupling numerical simulation method of difference and finite element for displacement of two-

           phase flow in three-dimensional porous media?

          Journal of Hydrodynamics. Ser. A. Vol. 10, No. 1, (1995)  ( in Chinese ).

[26]     T. C. Lu and D. P. Yang  Difference-boundary element method for the first initial boundary value problem of

           nonlinear parabolic equation.

           Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities. Vol. 13, No. 3. (1995) ( in Chinese ).

[25]  D. P. Yang and T. C. Lu High order difference-boundary element method for initial boundary value problems of

          two dimensional parabolic equations and error estimates.

          Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Vol. 9, No. 4, (1994) ( in Chinese ).

[24]    Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang Numerical simulation for evolutionary history of three-dimensional   basin.

          Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 15, No. 5, (1994). 

[23]    Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang Finite element method its numerical analysis for partial differential

          equations of numerical simulation for evolutionary history of oil basin.

        Journal of System Science and Mathematical Science. Vol. 14? No. 1, (1994). ( in Chinese ).  

[23]    D. P. Yang Finite element method for miscible displacement of multiphase fully compressible flow.

          Journal of Applied Sciences. Vol. 12? No. 2. (1994) ( in Chinese ).

[21]  D. P. Yang Boundary Difference-Integral Equation Method and Its Error Estimates for Second Order

         Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation.

         Acta Mathematiae Applicatae Sinica.  Vol. 9? No. 3? (1993). 

[20] D. P. Yang Schwarz Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Boundary Element Method.

         Numerical  Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities. Vol. 2? No.2? (1993).

[19]  D. P. Yang A coupling method of difference and boundary finite element and its error estimates for nonlinear

          parabolic initial boundary value problems

          Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science Vol.13, No. 2, (1993) ( in Chinese ).

[18]   D. P. Yang. Boundary integral-differential equation and boundary element method for boundary value problems

        of a partial differential equation of elliptic type in 3-D.

         Mathematica Numerica Sinica. Vol. 15, No. 3, (1993)    ( in Chinese ).

[17]   D. P. Yang Boundary integral-differential equation and its boundary element method for parabolic initial-

        boundary value problems.

       Chinese Annals of Mathematics A. Vol. 13? No. 3, (1992) ( in Chinese )

[16]  D. P. Yang Global Maximum Norm Estimates of Boundary Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Boundary

        Value Problems.

        Journal of  Computational Mathematics. (1992).

[15]  D. P. Yang Characteristics-finite element method and its error estimate for convection diffusion problem

         Acta Mathematica Scientia Vol. 13? No. 13? 1992.

[14] Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang Finite difference methods and numerical analysis for petroleum origin

       and accumulation in basin evolution.

        Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities Vol. 14?No. 1 (1992)  ( in Chinese ).

[13] Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang The characteristics-finite difference method for petroleum origin

       and  accumulation in basin evolution

        Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities. Vol. 14, No. 3 (1992)  ( in Chinese ).

[12]  Y. R. Yuan, D. P. Yang and W. Q. Wang Computer simulation for three-dimensional problem of an

        oil-gas bearing basin and its numerical analysis

        Chinese Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 9? No. 4? (1992)   (in Chinese ).

[11]  D. P. Yang Coupling Methods of finite element and characteristics and its error estimates for a class of

       displacement problem of two-phase flow in porous media.

        Journal of Shandong University. Vol. 27? No. 2, (1992) ( in Chinese ).

[10]  D. P. Yang? Global Maximum-Norm Error Estimates of Curved Boundary Element for Solving Singular

        Boundary Integral Equations.

        Chinese Science Bulletin. Vol. 30? No. 11? (1991). 

[09]  D. P. Yang. A Coupling Method of Difference with High Order Accuracy and Boundary Integral Equation

       for Evolutionary Equation and Its Error Estimates

        Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 12? No. 9? (1991)

[08]  D. P. Yang Boundary element methods for two-dimensional stationary convection-diffusion problems

       Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities. Vol. 13? No. 4 (1991)  ( in Chinese ).

[07]  Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang Numerical simulation of a section showing the development of

        an oil-gas-bearing basin and its application.

        Acta Petroleum Sinica. Vol. 12? No. 4. (1991) ( in Chinese )

[06]  D. P. Yang, Approximation and Its Optimal Error Estimates of Displacement of Two-phase Incompressible

        Flow By Mixed Finite Element and A Modified Method of Characteristics.

         Chinese Science Bulletin. Vol. 35?  No. 20. (1990).

[05]    D. P. Yang. On stability and convergence of numerical methods of the discrete operator for nonlinear parabolic


        Numerical Mathematics. A Journal of Chinese Universities Vol. 9, No. 1 (1987) ( in Chinese)

[04]  D. P. Yang On Singular Perturbation Boundary Value Problems of Coupling Type System of Convection

       Diffusion Equations.

        Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 7, No. 12. (1986)

[03]    D. P. Yang Generalized difference method for nonlinear parabolic equation and system with one-dimensional

        spatial variable.

        Journal of Engineering Mathematics Vol. 2? No. 2. pp 25 - 35 (1985). (in Chinese )

[02]    Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang Numerical method of differential discrete operator of two-phase

       displacement problem.

        Chinese Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 2? No. 2. (1985) (in Chinese ).

[01]    Y. R. Yuan, W. Q. Wang and D. P. Yang A new numerical analog of two-phase immiscible flow and its 

       theoretical analysis.

       Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 13. No. 11. (1985).
