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Theory of Elliptic, Periodic Homogenization
林芳华教授(Courant Institute, NYU)
2018-01-01 12:13  hbs红宝石平台


课程题目:Theory of Elliptic, Periodic Homogenization

教师:林芳华教授(Courant Institute, NYU)

2013年6月17日下午 2:00-4:30,理科大楼A510
2013年6月18日上午 9:00-11:30,
2013年6月19日下午 2:00-4:30,
2013年6月20日上午 9:00-11:30,


摘要: After a brief introduction, we shall describe first a few important examples of homogenization: an ODE case and the WKB formal expansions for the periodic case. Then we discuss some general theory of abstract H-(and G-) convergences. A more detailed exposition would follow on periodic homogenizations (including uniform estimates and applications, optimal convergence rates and applications, fundamental solutions and boundary layers...). Then we continue with homogenizations of Hamilton-Jacobi, fully nonlinear equations, and free interfaces ... random homogenizations and some open problems. Further topics on the theory of H-measures (micro-local measures) and compensate compactness and convex integrations may be explored.
Remarks: Lectures will be mostly self-contained. Students with some basic knowledge of real variables, elliptic PDEs, Hilbert spaces and Fourier integrals shall be able to follow the lectures.