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Prof. Steve McKelvey(美国圣奥莱夫学院,跨学科研究中心主任)
2018-01-01 12:13  hbs红宝石平台


报告题目:Undergraduate Research in Mathematics: Ideas and Practices from a Small American College

报告人:Prof. Steve McKelvey(美国圣奥莱夫学院,跨学科研究中心主任)

2013年5月31日: 13:00-14:00,闵行校区数学系102报告厅

摘要:Saint Olaf College and its students have been engaged in undergraduate mathematical research for ten years. In this talk I discuss the various approaches we take. Some approaches are national in scope; some are supported only by the college itself. I will begin by recounting the early stages of undergraduate mathematical research as we tried to understand the definition of the phrase "research in mathematics" that could be undertaken by undergraduate students. The definition led to goals for the research and then to programs to provide opportunities for the research to our students and our faculty. Many of our ideas might be things East China Normal University could undertake if you so desired.


话题: 围绕大学生数学的任何话题  

时间: 2013年6月3日,下午1:00

地点: 闵行校区数学系129室  

参加人员: 美国圣奥莱夫学院数学系Steve McKelvey教授,大学生蚁趣小组成员及相关教师.也诚挚邀请和欢迎任何感兴趣的数学系教师和学生踊跃参加.

报告题目:Undergraduate Research in Mathematics: Two Examples of Projects from Applied Mathematics

报告人:Prof. Steve McKelvey(美国圣奥莱夫学院,跨学科研究中心主任)

2013年6月5日: 13:00-14:00,闵行校区数学系102报告厅

摘要:In this talk I will demonstrate the mathematical level common to undergraduate research in mathematics. I will present two research projects I have done with students in recent years. The first involves an interdisciplinary modeling project sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture using probability models to allocate inspection resources with the goal of preventing the spread of an exotic biological pathogen that is very dangerous to an important species of North American tree. The second project is more abstract, involving a mathematical object called a "finite dimensional partitionable variational inequality." This object is very useful for solving equilibrium problems in transportation and economic market models. In earlier work I discovered some very nice properties of these inequalities and I have used students to expand the list of applications that can take advantage of these objects. Elementary knowledge of probability and vector arithmetic will be necessary to understand the mathematical details of the talk, but anyone interested in mathematics and undergraduate research will, I hope, find the examples useful.