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学术报告 - 代数方向
Modular Representations of Basic Classical Restricted Lie Superalgebras
李宜阳 教授(上海工程技术大学)
2022年9月10日 9:00?10:00  腾讯会议:108-968-204

*主持人:舒斌 教授(会议密码请与舒斌老师联系)

Let g be a basic classical Lie superalgebras over an algebraically closed field of p>2, and U_0(g) the restricted enveloping algebra of g. In this talk, we show a U_0(g)-module is projective if and only if it has both a baby Verma module filtration and a twist baby Verma module filtration. Then we show a Humphreys-Brauer type reciprocity on projective modules, baby Verma modules and irreducible modules.
