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On the highest weight theory for minimal finite W-superalgebras and related Whittaker categories
曾阳 副教授(南京审计大学)
2022年9月10日 10:00?11:00  腾讯会议:108-968-204

*主持人:舒斌 教授(会议密码请与舒斌老师联系)

In this talk, I will introduce the Verma modules for finite W-superalgebra U(g,e) associated with a minimal even nilpotent element, and give a complete isomorphism classification of irreducible modules. Those Verma modules can be further described via parabolic induction from Whittaker modules for osp(1|2) or sl(2) respectively, depending on the parity of the dimension for a particular subspace of g. We will also introduce an analogue of the BGG category O for U(g,e). This is a joint work with Bin Shu.
