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On the center of the modular super Yangian Y(m|n)
常浩 副教授(华中师范大学)
2022年9月10日 11:00?12:00  腾讯会议:108-968-204

*主持人:舒斌 教授(会议密码请与舒斌老师联系)

In this talk, I will introduce the super Yangian Y(m|n) associated to the general linear Lie superalgebra gl(m|n) over a field of positive characteristic. We extend Drinfeld-type presentations of Y(m|n) and the special super Yangian SY(m|n) to positive characteristic. Moreover, the center Z(Y(m|n)) of Y(m|n) is described: it is generated by its Harish-Chandra center together with a large p-center. We also study the p-center of SY(m|n) and provide another description of the p-center of Y(m|n) in terms of the RTT generators.

This is a joint work with Hongmei Hu.

常浩副教授,2016年毕业于hbs红宝石平台获博士学位。同年获得德国基尔大学博士学位, 并于2016-2017年在该大学做博士后研究。2017年进而华中师范大学,任副教授。他的研究兴趣主要集中于有限群概形、无穷小群概形的几何与表示。在相关的交换簇、支柱簇与限制李代数表示方面有系列研究工作发表。