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Asymptotic properties of several algorithms for distributed constrained stochastic optimization
陈性敏 副教授(大连理工大学)
2022年10月26日 10:00-11:00  腾讯会议:143-227-557

*主持人:李韬 教授

In this talk, we investigate several algorithms for constrained stochastic optimization problems over time-varying random network, where the agents are to collectively minimize a sum of locally known cost functions subject to individual constraint set. Our distributed algorithms are mainly divided into two categories, dual domain and primal dual domain. On the one hand, asymptotic properties of a distributed algorithm based on dual averaging of gradients are considered. Not only almost sure (a.s.) convergence and the rate of a.s. convergence, but also asymptotic normality and asymptotic efficiency of the algorithm are obtained. On the other hand, asymptotic properties of a primal-dual distributed algorithm for stochastic optimization problem with equality and inequality constraints are investigated. A.s. consensus and a.s. convergence of the algorithm are proven under mild conditions.
