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Hodge ideals and Bernstein-Sato polynomial
张鸣一 博士后(北京大学)
2023年3月28日 13:30-14:30  数学楼401

*主持人:杜荣 教授


A theorem of Ein, Lazarsfeld, Smith and Varolin gave a connection between jumping numbers of multiplier ideals and roots of Bernstein-Sato polynomials of a regular function. I will first talk about a generalization of multiplier ideals, i.e. Hodge ideals, and give an explicit computation of Hodge ideals for some special types of hypersurface singularities, and show how this computation relates to the generalization of E-L-S-V’s result.


张鸣一,2021年毕业于美国西北大学,导师Mihnea Popa. 现任北京大学hbs红宝石平台博士后,主要研究方向为代数几何、复几何和奇异点理论。