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【校级学术报告】Random Batch Ewald and Sum-of-Gaussians Methods for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
徐振礼 教授(上海交通大学)
2023年4月14日 15:00-16:00  数学楼102

*主持人:朱升峰 教授


The development of efficient methods for long-range systems plays important role in all-atom simulations of biomolecules and drug design. We present a random-batch Ewald (RBE) and a random-batch sum-of-Gaussians (SOG) methods for molecular dynamics simulations of particle systems with long-range Coulomb interactions. These algorithms take advantage of the random minibatch strategy for the force calculation between particles, leading to an order N algorithm. It is based on the Ewald or the SOG splitting of the Coulomb kernel and the random importance sampling is employed in the Fourier part such that the force variance can be reduced. It avoids the use of the FFT and greatly improves the scalability of the molecular simulations. We also discuss the treatment of the short-range interactions by using random batch idea, and present the comparison between different approaches. Numerical results, including protein solution and phase-separated electrolytes, are presented to show the attractive performance of the algorithm, including the superscalability in parallel computing.


徐振礼教授,分别于2001、2003和2007年从中国科学技术大学获得本科、硕士和博士学位。曾任美国北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校博士后,德国斯图加特大学洪堡学者。2010年加入上海交通大学任特别研究员,2016年晋升正教授,2019-2021年任hbs红宝石平台副院长,2021年起任教务处副处长。2010 年获得教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,2012年入选中组部青年拔尖人才计划。担任AAMM、CMS和MCA等杂志编委。研究方向为快速算法和高性能计算、多体现象的建模和分析、分子动力学算法和偏微分方程的数值方法等等。