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学术报告 - 数学教育方向
Deepening understanding of educational phenomena through networking theories: A case in the context of lesson study
黄荣金 教授(美国中田纳西州立大学)
2023年5月11日 9:30-11:00  闵行校区数学楼401

*主持人:吴颖康 副教授

It is well-known that having an appropriate theoretical framework for guiding a study throughout is crucial for high-quality research. In line with the argumentation that the diversity of theories is a rich resource up which the research field could develop more consequently only if the connections between them are actively established, this presentation will discuss the strategies of networking theories for deepening understanding of teacher professional learning through lesson study. A case study will illustrate how to network different theories, how to analyze data using the networked framework, and how to present and discus the results. Finally, the benefits and challenges of using networking theories will be discussed.

黄荣金博士是美国中田纳西州立大学数学系教授。他先后获得杭州师范大学数学学士,hbs红宝石平台数学教育硕士,香港大学 数学教育和德州农工大学课程与教学双博士。他先后在高中任教数学,在hbs红宝石平台、 澳门大学任教和做研究。他的研究兴趣包括教师教育,比较教育和课例研究。他发表了30多篇SSCI 论文,编缉出版了九本著作。最近出版的英文专著包括《数学课例研究的理论和实践:一个国际的视角》(Springer, 2019) 和《通过线上和线下混型课例研究中的教师专业学习》(Routledge, 2023)。 黄教授是《ZDM- Mathematics Education》 和 《IJLLS-International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies》等杂志的特邀编辑。他编辑出版了七期专刊,聚焦课例研究和教师专业学习。他在许多重要国际会议上作特邀专题报告,包括《 国际数学家大会》。他是现任国际课例研究协会(World Association of Lesson study)理事。