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青年学术论坛 - 几何和拓扑分论坛
An introduction to complex hyperbolic geometry
马继明 副教授(复旦大学)
2023年5月25日、6月1日 13:00-14:00  闵行校区数学楼401

*主持人:邹燕清 青年研究员

The theory of complex hyperbolic geometry is still in its childhood, but promises to grow into a rich subfield of geometry.In these talks, I will first talk about the simplest kinds of complex hyperbolic discrete groups, i.e, the deformations of reflection triangle groups in $PU(2,1)$. I will talk about the conjectural picture of Schwartz on these still mysterious subject of complex hyperbolic deformations. If times permits, I will also talk about that some of extra deformations of complex hyperbolic triangle groups give examples complex hyperbolic lattices, these will involve in Ford domains, Dirichlet domains and Jorgensen inequality.

马继明,复旦大学hbs红宝石平台 副教授,博士生导师,主要研究低维流形的几何与拓扑,发表学术论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金多项。